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Amazon tour. Recommendations and suggestions, Amazonas Plans

Writer's picture: Elvis OrdóñezElvis Ordóñez
  • It is essential to have the citizenship card, if it is a minor, an identity card, or a civil registry authenticated by a notary public and the authorization of the parents (if only one of the parents accompanies it and if the program requires it to leave the country) If a foreigner resident in Colombia is a foreigner or passport (verify passport validity), it is mandatory to present it before migrations to leave Colombia and enter Brazil or Peru, as well as the current international certificate of vaccination against yellow fever , (apply it with a minimum of 10 days before the trip.) and against tetanus (vaccines are a preventive suggestion but not mandatory to travel to the Amazon).

  • Brazil and Colombia, require visa for reciprocity for some countries, if it is your case, it is necessary to process the visa, if your nationality requires it to enter Colombia or Brazil.

  • Carry the medical assistance card or ID card or pre-paid medicine.

  • Our plans include COLASISTENCIA medical assistance card.

  • A small auxiliary backpack for the tours.

  • A large backpack easy to handle as luggage.

  • For your trip to the Amazon include what is strictly necessary in your luggage

  • Bring comfortable clothes that provide freedom of movement, light and fresh (bring light colored garments, (No black or dark garments), such as shirts, long-sleeved shirts, swimwear, hats or caps, sun glasses comfortable footwear, tennis, enough socks as well as water bottles, water bottles, raincoats, pantaneras boots, head lanterns or flashlights with their respective batteries.

  • Repellent, sunscreen, and toiletries.

  • If you are vegetarian, vegan or have a preference in your diet, inform your agency before your trip and let your guide know at the start of the trip.

  • If you are allergic to any type of food or if you suffer from animal allergies, inform your agency before the trip and let your guide know at the start of the tour.

  • If you suffer from any type of phobia especially zoophobia inform your agency before the tours and let your guide know at the start of the tour.

  • If you take any medication under medical prescription, please include it in your luggage.

  • Cameras with sufficient batteries if required as well as a hermetic plastic bag to isolate the equipment from moisture (and include pads that absorb moisture).

At the moment and during your trip.

  • Listen carefully to the recommendations and suggestions set out in your guide for each tour

  • If you suffer from any symptoms, ailment or illness, please let your guide know before you travel.

  • If during your tour you have any symptoms of discomfort, inform your guide immediately.

  • Do not throw garbage (non-biodegradable type) during your trip by river bodies, jungle or any other point where you make your visit in the tours.

  • All non-biodegradable material (glass, plastic, cans, batteries) that are generated must be returned from the natural environment.

  • Do not collect biological, animal or vegetable material during your travels.

  • Avoid buying hunting products (skins, feathers, skulls, teeth, and others) to help preserve these species.

  • During your travels, do not separate yourself from the group you are part of.

  • Travel in and out of the travel area always in the company of your guide.

  • Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and do not consume any type of hallucinogens during your trip through river bodies and jungle.

  • On boats do not smoke, and always use the flotation vest.

  • Observe with respect the traditions and cultural expressions of the different indigenous ethnic groups to visit.

  • We do not support trafficking, collection and commercialization of illegal flora and fauna species. / Law 17 of 1981 We protect wild fauna and flora and prevent their commercialization illegally.

  • Respect cultural resources. All tourist activity must be done with respect for the artistic, archaeological and cultural heritage. Law 63 1986 prohibit and prevent the importation, exploitation and transfer of illegal property of cultural property ", signed in Paris on November 17, 1970. / law 299 of 1996. We are committed against the illegal traffic of Cultural Heritage. Law 397 of 1997.


  • Respect the culture and traditions of the destinations visited.

  • Protects natural resources such as water and energy, making proper use of them.

  • Remember to buy handicrafts and products made by the local population, especially vulnerable population, under fair commercial conditions.

  • Does not support child labor or the commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents. / It is noted that in Colombia the exploitation and sexual abuse of minors are punishable by deprivation of liberty, in accordance with the provisions of Law 679 of 2001 and 1329 of 2009.


  • Contracted the service must Present and use the agreed services. Otherwise, the provider may require the user to pay 20% of the total price or fee established, or retain the deposit or advance payment previously received from the tourist user, if agreed. (Article 65 Law 300 of 1996).

  • AMAZON TOUR voluntarily accepts the parameters of the LAW 679 OF 2001 "by means of which a statute is issued to prevent and counteract the exploitation, pornography and sexual tourism with minors, in development of article 44 of the Constitution. "In addition, customers are warned that neither the agency nor its guides in any case encourage any practice of this type.

  • AMAZON TOUR is committed to managing the greatest number of variables within our reach, in compliance with the program, considering the possibility of alterations in this proposed program, due to possible unforeseen events, caused by the weather, landslides on roads, closed roads, medical emergencies, poor communications, faults or delays of means of transport. Limits on the responsibilities of AMAZON TOUR regarding legal matters or other inconveniences in which the user may be involved, in case the user is forced to withdraw from the trip for such reasons and likewise, against personal expenses in which the passenger incurs. (Minority decree 053 art 03 of 2002)

  • Circumstances in which AMAZON TOUR reserves the right to make changes to the itinerary, travel dates, hotels, transportation and any other necessary to guarantee the success of the tour. (Mincomercio decree 053 of 2002).

  • AMAZON TOUR, is subject to the liability regime established by Law 300/96 and D.R. 1075/97

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Amazon tour

© 2016 by Amazon tour

Tour Operators.

Elvis Ordóñez, Project Manager & Webmaster.

Street 23 # 2E-16

Leticia, Amazonas.

Cel. (+57) 3143660349 / 3134262976 / 3115471622


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Tour Operators

Amazon tour, Specialized excursions in Leticia, Colombia. Amazon tour is a tourism operator agency specialized in jungle. It offers personalized service.
Amazon tour, Specialized excursions in Leticia, Colombia. Amazon tour is a tourism operator agency specialized in jungle. It offers personalized service.
Amazon tour, Specialized excursions in Leticia, Colombia. Amazon tour is a tourism operator agency specialized in jungle. It offers personalized service.
Travel And Hospitality Award Winner for Amazon tour

Amazon tour, with national tourism registry N °. 26008, aware of the importance of maintaining a sustainable tourism development, and assumed the principles adopted specifically in Sectorial Technical Standard NTS-TS 003, Amazon tour, is subject to the liability regime established by Law 300 of 1996 and Decrees 1075 of 1997. It is also committed to compliance with articles 16 and 17 of Law 679 of 2001 that regulate the protection of minors against exploitation and sexual violence. In our sale process we comply with decrees No. 53 of January 18, 2002 and 2438 of 2010. We are committed to the conservation of the environment and natural resources as provided in Law 99 of 1993 and Decree 1608 of 1978 ; We also accept the provisions of Law 23 of 1973 on the protection and conservation of wildlife; Law 17 of 1981 on the protection of flora and fauna; Law 103 of 1931, which promotes the conservation of archaeological monuments and / or cultural heritage. The requirements demanded in Decree 4000 of 2004. Concerning the Control of Foreigners. Law 1335 of 2009 Antitabaco; with the non-discrimination and exclusion of vulnerable populations and the special requirements for the protection of personal data of minors (children and adolescents) and of the adults who provide their personal data that are included in our databases, with tourist purposes or others, preserving its protection, conservation and guaranteeing its responsible and safe use, trying to protect the right to privacy and protection of your personal information and all that is provided through the registration forms in the hotel and also in the website before and after the validity of the decree and the law. We accept the general provisions for the protection of personal data and other regulations regulated in Statutory Law 1581 of 2012 and Regulatory Decree 1377 of 2013. We invite you to make part of our environmental commitment to the efficient use of water and energy, as well as of the integral management of solid waste and the commitment for its reduction, reuse and recycling. PRINT ONLY IF NECESSARY. DO IT WHEN POSSIBLE USE RECYCLABLE PAPER. PROTECT THE PLANET.

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